
A Touchspin is a mobile and touch friendly spinner component for numeric inputs. It supports the mousewheel and the up/down keys.

Mecons Touchspin

<touchspin bc-label="Minimum Setup" />



Define the minimum value of the touchspin with the bc-min attribute. By default the minimum value is 0.


Define the maximum value of the touchspin with the bc-max attribute. By default the maximum value is 100.


Set the incremental/decremental step on up/down change with the bc-step attribute. By default the step is 1.


Set the number of decimal points with the bc-decimals attribute. By default the number of decimals are 0.

Touchspin with Decimals

<touchspin bc-label="Decimals" bc-decimals="2" />


Define a text or character before the input of the touchspin by using the bc-prefix attribute.

Touchspin with Prefix

<touchspin bc-label="Prefix" bc-postfix="$" />


Define a text or character after the input of the touchspin by using the bc-postfix attribute.

Touchspin with Postfix

<touchspin bc-label="Postfix" bc-max="10000" bc-decimals="2" bc-step="0.5" bc-postfix="EUR" />

Colored Buttons

Define the color of the down button with the bc-color-down attribute. Use the bc-color-upattribute to define a color for up button. By default, the color for both buttons are Secondary.

Touchspin with colored Buttons

<touchspin bc-label="Colored Touchspin" bc-color-down="Danger" bc-color-up="Success" />

Up Button Color

Define the color of the up button with the up-color attribute.


The bc-orientation attribute can affect the orientation of the touchpin buttons. Possible values are a Horizontal (default) or a Vertical orientation.

Touchspin with different Orientation

<!-- Vertical Layout -->
<touchspin bc-label="Vertical" bc-orientation="Vertical" />

<!-- Horizontal Layout -->
<touchspin bc-label="Horizontal" bc-orientation="Horizontal" />