
Tabs are a single content area with multiple planels, each associated with a header in a list.

Mecons Tabs

    <tabs-pane bc-header="Home">
            Consequat occaecat ullamco amet non eiusmod nostrud dolore ...
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Profile">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Settings">



Use the bc-pills attribute to render the tabs as pills.

Tabs as Pills

<tabs bc-pills="true">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Home">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Profile">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Settings">

Pane Configuration

Header (Mandatory)

Use the bc-header attribute to define a title for the tab.


By default, the first tab is active on page load. If you want to modify that, use the bc-active attribute to activate another tab on startup.

Active Tab Pane

    <tabs-pane bc-header="Home">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Profile" bc-active="true">
    <tabs-pane bc-header="Settings">